Réponse de Katharina, 29 ans, née au Kazakhstan vit en Allemagne à Hambourg. Infirmière sociologue qui aime le voyage

  1. Comment as-tu envie de te présenter à nous ?
    Leaving in Germany for 24 years after school I did an education as a nurse and decide after wards to studies sociology and criminal law. After I finished my bachelor I decided to travel for a bit. Now I’m travelling going back to Germany to work and then travel again for a few months
  2. Depuis combien de temps es-tu dans ce pays ?
    I just arrived this morning from Sri Lanka
  3. Qu’as-tu ressenti le premier jour/semaine/mois/année en … ?
    I was tired. Happy not to meet that many tourists on the streets back to meet really nice locals I had a chat with
  4. Que peux-tu me dire de ton premier contact avec des locaux ? Comment t’es-tu senti ?
    I was already in Malaysia two years ago so I knew that the people are friendly. And today I made the same experience
  5. Parlais-tu la langue locale ? Cela t-a-t-il posé des problèmes ? Et comment t’es-tu débrouillé ?
    I just know how to say thanks. This is never caused any problems and the most people I met spoke English
  6. Comment tu définirais le volontariat ?
    Volunteering abroad is a great possibility to get to know the locals and the children better. You can make great experiences that will accompany you for your whole life
  7. Ce voyage/volontariat change-t-il ta vision/ton parcours de vie ?
    I think every journey change a bit. Maybe you see some problems with a different View
  8. Une question plus général : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
    The world of tomorrow: more acceptance more understanding in a bit more of thankfulness
  9. Veux-tu nous partager quelque chose ? Une anecdote ?
    I’m travelling alone you always-meet great people that helps you not to feel lonely after a while. There is a good quote by Hermann Hesse : « One never reaches home. But where paths that have an affinity for each other intersect, the whole world looks like home, for a time.”