Réponses d’un Australien Jacob de 26 ans, un aventurier avec sa tente et son pouce levé

  1. Comment as-tu envie de te présenter à nous ?
    My name is Jacob Devries, I’m 26 years old and from a small coastal town in Australia and have ^been travelling for the past 4 years.
  2. Depuis combien de temps es-tu dans ce pays ?
    All I can say is have a plan to meet my brother in the South Island of New Zealand in January 2017 and travel with him for 2 weeks, after that I’m not sure
  3. Qu’as-tu ressenti le premier jour/semaine/mois/année en … ?
    I felt a bit insure about being here in New Zealand after just returning home for a few months before coming to New Zealand
  4. Que peux-tu me dire de ton premier contact avec des locaux ? Comment t’es-tu senti ?
    My first contact was through hitch hiking and I felt at ease with local as they have similar attitude as Australians
  5. Parlais-tu la langue locale ? Cela t-a-t-il posé des problèmes ? Et comment t’es-tu débrouillé ?
    Yes, I spoke the same language, English. So it was easy to understand the locals, most of the time
  6. Comment tu définirais le volontariat ?
    Volunteering international is when someone is willing to give up their time and effort in orfer to help others, not just in your own country but world-wide
  7. Ce voyage/volontariat change-t-il ta vision/ton parcours de vie ?
    Yes, after doing it for the past 4 years I can say that it has changed my life in a positive way by letting me experience things, normally wouldn’t get to experience
  8. Une question plus général : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
    I see the world of tomorrow becoming worse unfortunately as we become more divided and scared of other people and culture due to the misinformation spread by people and the mainstream world
  9. Veux-tu nous partager quelque chose ? Une anecdote ?
    I hitchhiked from Island to Bali, all over land in 2014/2015, it took 14 months but it was amazing