44 ans, Catholic, filipino
- Dans la vie de tous les jours, quand tu abordes quelqu’un que tu ne connais pas, comment te présenterais-tu à lui ?
In meeting other people I do not know. First I will approach them and smile by saying « hi or hello ». I will introduce myself and I will start interesting conversation that will need them to interact - Que ressens-tu quand un étranger t’aborde ?
I feel awkward and shy but I will entertain them in a nice way - Qu’est ce qui, à tes yeux, en 1 mot est très important pour toi et ta communauté ?
My eye is expressive, expressive to see what’s in community and what is for the good of our community - Comment définirais-tu le volontariat international ?
International volunteering is when individual volunteers give their time to work for organisations or cause outside of their home country. In most of cases, volunteers work in developing countries on international development programs with local partners that address basic needs such as education, health and sanitation - Une question plus générale : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
I imagine the world of tomorrow with people of full of dreams and hope that will change how life is managed - Pourrais-tu nous faire une blague typique de ton pays ?
Joke joke joke. For the teacher and the student!
– Teacher: How can we keep our school clean?
– Student: By staying at home!! - As-tu envie de dire quelque chose aux personnes d’autres pays comme moi ?
None so far
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