22 ans, de Lituanie qui habite à Copenhague au Danemark, rencontrer entre deux vols dans l’aéroport de Manille, une routarde souriante
- Comment as-tu envie de te présenter à nous ?
Hello, I am Ruta. I am 22 years old Lithuanian girl. Currently I am studying in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the moment I am doing my business administration and service management studies. As a young person, I love travelling, exploring new countries, meeting interesting people, who can bring new ideas to my head. Also, I am keen to deepen my knowledge in business studies. Furthermore, I love dances (lindy hop, salsa), photography and visiting art galleries - Depuis combien de temps es-tu dans ce pays ?
Hmmm… Only 6 days. It was a short visit due to the lack of time (I was doing my exchange semester in Taiwan, therefore, I had a possibility to visit Philippines easily) - Qu’as-tu ressenti le premier jour/semaine/mois/année en … ?
As it was my 2nd time in Philippines, the country wasn’t a huge surprise to me anymore. I felt excited for the holidays and very welcomed. I must emphasise that I went to the most touristy island, called Palawan, which is prepared for tourists. Therefore, I did not have any difficulties to get around. I felt safe and locals took a great care of my friend and me - Que peux-tu me dire de ton premier contact avec des locaux ? Comment t’es-tu senti ?
First time when I came to Philippines, which was in 2015, I felt a little bit unsafe. It seemed to me that many locals were looking at my friends and me really curiously. This frustrated me a bit. 2nd time, this year, as I came back to Philippines again, I noticed, how friendly and welcoming Philippine people are. My perception of them changed quite radically to the positive side. I understood that they are super curious about you, because they want to be a friend of yours - Parlais-tu la langue locale ? Cela t-a-t-il posé des problèmes ? Et comment t’es-tu débrouillé ?
No, I didn’t. The only word I knew was Salamat. People in this country know English pretty well, I didn’t have problems to get around - Comment tu définirais le volontariat ?
I think it’s an absolutely amazing opportunity to exchange knowledge between different people. It is a good chance to help/contribute to the other society in an exchange of a memorable, valuable experience - Ce voyage/volontariat change-t-il ta vision/ton parcours de vie ?
This exchange semester definitely gave me more understanding about different cultures. I do not say it changed my life, it rather gifted me with the knowledge about various Asian cultures and how these differ among each other. Some time ago, before this trip, I had only one vision of Asia – now, I know how different each country and its’ people can be - Une question plus général : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
I really hope my life will be full of new experiences and I will continue learning from the people around me. Also, I hope that one day I will be able to influence and teach others, the way I am getting my knowledge now. Hopefully I will be able to run small projects or even have my own business that could benefit the society - Veux-tu nous partager quelque chose ? Une anecdote ?
The only thing I want to tell you is that I am very glad I met you guys! I was really pleasantly surprised about all the work you do! Keep up with that and spread your findings all around the world! It is very interesting to follow your experiences
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