Oscar, 27 ans, originaire de Suède, premier voyage loin de la Suède
- Comment as-tu envie de te présenter à nous ?
I’m Oscar, 27 years old from Sweden. I love travelling and have been working just to be able to travel since high school - Depuis combien de temps es-tu dans ce pays ?
I’m in Philippines for a few days,but was here for 3 weeks a few weeks ago - Qu’as-tu ressenti le premier jour/semaine/mois/année en … ?
I felt like Philippines is a modern country compared to a lot of other South-East asian’s country. Felt like tourism has been wide spread for quite a while wich makes the cultural differents smaller, a bit « adapted » Most people seems to live confortable life (maybe not most) and being happy with easy - Que peux-tu me dire de ton premier contact avec des locaux ? Comment t’es-tu senti ?
Since it’s inavoidable to not compare to similar countries, it helt like people are not lazy, but uninterested. Though the longer being here feels less like that, that it’s more a way of being - Parlais-tu la langue locale ? Cela t-a-t-il posé des problèmes ? Et comment t’es-tu débrouillé ?
Since english is the second language in Philippines easy to get around anywhere. Most people speak english and there is a lot of tourism, it’s easy to communicate properly with people. - Comment tu définirais le volontariat ?
First thing that causes to mind, is all the people who pay a lot of money to do volunteering, for 2 weeks. For me that isn’t really volunteering if your money goes to a good cause, then that is the way you are really helping. If you have certains skills and/or stay for longer period of time, then your « work » may be of use. Suppose it’s always exeption - Ce voyage/volontariat change-t-il ta vision/ton parcours de vie ?
Travelling is always life changing, big or small. Not always life changing in a dramatical way, but travelling is learning ?! and learning is growing - Une question plus général : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
- Veux-tu nous partager quelque chose ? Une anecdote ?
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