Réponses d’un kiwi, Nick 34 ans qui prépare un voyage au Laos
- Dans la vie de tous les jours, quand tu abordes quelqu’un que tu ne connais pas, comment te présenterais-tu à lui ?
Hi, how. How are you? - Que ressens-tu quand un étranger t’aborde ?
Open to them, welcome, happy to talk. - Qu’est ce qui, à tes yeux, en 1 mot est très important pour toi et ta communauté ?
To treat every person well, as I want to be treated myself. - Comment définirais-tu le volontariat international ?
Volunteering is giving your own time in service, to assist, help or improve life for another person. - Une question plus générale : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
I imagine that the world of tomorrow becomes more and more divided between people who want profit and power, and those that want to enjoy and share. I think each side is getting more and more focused or concentrated: the people who want profit and power just want more of it and quicker… the people to enjoy and share are getting more connected with the world and sharing their ideas and support of how to connect the world’s people in ways to better the life for all. - Pourrais-tu nous faire une blague typique de ton pays ?
How does a kiwi find a sheep in long grass?
Quite pleasant. - As-tu envie de dire quelque chose aux personnes d’autres pays comme moi ?
People are shaped a lot by their environment, and have views of people and places around the world based on what they hear. The things you hear about a place you have never been are often not true… when you travel around the world, you learn that what they say is not true, and that the people in other places are much like yourself. with travelling more, you can realise that we are all one people living in one world.
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