23 ans, Philippines – Cebu , Filipino
- Dans la vie de tous les jours, quand tu abordes quelqu’un que tu ne connais pas, comment te présenterais-tu à lui ?
I usually introduce myself by giving my name fist where I came from and what I am for them to trust me - Que ressens-tu quand un étranger t’aborde ?
Well it depends in the looks of the strangers. There are some strangers that look so dangerous. If they look so dangerous I usually avoid them for my safety. If a good looking I trustworthy looking stranger I feel honoured to talk or help them in a simple way or anything that is possible for me to help them - Qu’est ce qui, à tes yeux, en 1 mot est très important pour toi et ta communauté ?
Peace, love and unity are the most important thing for me and for my community. If I possess this « important thing » I may share this to my community and it is beneficial for everyone for the betterment of the community - Comment définirais-tu le volontariat international ?
International volunteering is an advocacy that needs to be shared and influenced. For me international volunteering builds good camaraderie and very good medium for spreading good cause - Une question plus générale : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
If volunteering is widely practice, I see the world of tomorrow as a very confortable place to live with because people are more compassionate that time - Pourrais-tu nous faire une blague typique de ton pays ?
We practically make joke to someone who makes mistake but I usually do it to my close friends because they never get offended. The more you point their flaws the lovely friend you are - As-tu envie de dire quelque chose aux personnes d’autres pays comme moi ?
God bless with all your endeavour in life- love Lea
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