18 ans, Cebu city – Philippines, Filippino
- Dans la vie de tous les jours, quand tu abordes quelqu’un que tu ne connais pas, comment te présenterais-tu à lui ?
I would greet her/him and will introduce myself then tell her/him my concern in a polite manner and thank her/him after - Que ressens-tu quand un étranger t’aborde ?
At first I’ll feel nervous and a bit scared because I don’t know that person and I can’t tell what she/he wants from me - Qu’est ce qui, à tes yeux, en 1 mot est très important pour toi et ta communauté ?
For me the most important for us especially in our country is the development of the economy, environment, technology and all important things that caters the need of Filipinos - Comment définirais-tu le volontariat international ?
Volunteering international is a great way for all the foreign people for them to experience and differentiate the ways of living of every country/place they visit. At least they could get something good from volunteering - Une question plus générale : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
As a positive person, I imagine the world of tomorrow as a very well and developed world where war is no longer existing - Pourrais-tu nous faire une blague typique de ton pays ?
When « gays » take the stage and nille the comedy show. They make the funniest joke, could pick up words to connect and make silly sentences - As-tu envie de dire quelque chose aux personnes d’autres pays comme moi ?
Thank you for stepping up and making a big difference to the world
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