26 ans originaire de Hollande
- Comment as-tu envie de te présenter à nous ?
My name is Daan and I am from Holland. I am 26 years old and I live in Den haag. - Depuis combien de temps es-tu dans ce pays ?
My profession is a cook and I alrdy do it for 8 years. My hobby’s are snowboarding, surfing, traveling and cooking offcourse ! I have a girlfriend already for 5 years (4 years and 11 months) and we live together in a nice appartement. I think thats it I hope you enjoy it - Qu’as-tu ressenti le premier jour/semaine/mois/année en … ?
I am 4 days in the philipines - Que peux-tu me dire de ton premier contact avec des locaux ? Comment t’es-tu senti ?
I felt really tired because I didnt slept at all because I ahd a flight in the middle of the night and it was horrible. - Parlais-tu la langue locale ? Cela t-a-t-il posé des problèmes ? Et comment t’es-tu débrouillé ?
I felt a little bit awkward because I think that they were more awkward then me and they didnt know how to response, and I had the exact same but it always ended up in a very good way ! - Comment tu définirais le volontariat ?
No I didnt spoke the local language, I had a couple times that we couldnt understand each other what I always did was, speak a little bit slower, repeat the main words that explain what you want or need instead of : I need a taxi to go to naga. You say : Taxi, naga ? and use your hands and always keep friendly and smile, never get angry if they dont understand it ! it can happen. - Ce voyage/volontariat change-t-il ta vision/ton parcours de vie ?
I think it is a really good thing but !! Don’t think that ALL the pilipinos are happy with it or need it, off course they want help in some way but not always and that is the same in every counrty besides that. The big companys who arrange that kind of things are always for 1 thing and that is to earn money, so I fyour thinking about doing it, go to smaller companies and make sure you really help people instead of drinking beer and go out. - Une question plus général : comment imagines-tu le monde de demain ?
I don‘t know jet, I am to short in the philipnes to make a judge about that. What I think, it will change my life in some way but I dont know jet in wich way ! so if you ask me again in 3 weeks I will definetly have another answer ! - Veux-tu nous partager quelque chose ? Une anecdote ?
Try to be relax ! enjoy ! and have fun, as long as you want ! don’t worry, Be happy ! and please don’t throw anything in the ocean, nature fro your next generation !
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